Farmers(R) Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries Foremost and Bristol West Prepare for Tropical Storm Ida Heading for Mobile, Alabama, Offer Tips to Customers to be Prepared

Tropical storm Ida, bearing down on southwest Alabama and eastward will bring heavy rain and high winds from the coast inland. "The message we have for all of our customers is to be prepared and follow instructions if you are asked to evacuate," explains Farmers Alabama State Executive Director Chris Simich. "We have deployed claims adjusters to the area and they are prepared to help our customers immediately after Ida hits land."


Farmers Insurance customers and Bristol West insurance customers with damage should immediately contact their agent or call Farmers' 24-hour-claims hotline, 800-HelpPoint (1-800-435-7764) for immediate assistance.

Flood victims who have flood insurance should contact the National Flood Program at

Foremost Insurance customers should file their claim by calling: 800-527-3907.

"We ask our customers who are following Ida's projected path to pay close attention to the latest weather reports," Simich added.,

  Simich offered the following tips.

  --  Create a Home Inventory.  Have an up-to-date inventory of all of your
      personal property. Take pictures and then email them to relatives
      living out of state.  A home inventory will help you replace your
      belongings faster.
  --  Prepare an Evacuation Plan. Plan ahead and map out a safe and smooth
      evacuation route, and please follow any evacuation orders.  Things can
      be replaced, nothing is worth putting yourself or your family in harms
      way.  Simich also recommends having all prescriptions and important
      paper work at the ready in case you have to leave your home on short
      notice.  It is also a good idea to have emergency supplies such as
      flashlights, radio, batteries and water on hand if you live in a
      hurricane prone area.

  --  Hurricane-Proof Your Home.  We recommend installing storm shutters to
      protect your windows, or nailing plywood panels to your window frames
      when a storm approaches. It is also a good idea to cover your sliding
      doors with plywood, and to replace old garage doors and tracks with a
      door that is approved for both wind pressure and impact protection. 
      If wind comes into your home through a large opening, it increases
      your chances of major damage to the rest of your home, especially your

Farmers is a trade name and may refer to Farmers Group, Inc. or the Farmers Exchanges, as the case may be. Farmers Group, Inc., a management and holding company, along with its subsidiaries, is wholly owned by the Zurich Financial Services Group. The Farmers Exchanges are three reciprocal insurers (Farmers Insurance Exchange, Fire Insurance Exchange and Truck Insurance Exchange), including their subsidiaries and affiliates, owned by their policyholders, and managed by Farmers Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries. For more information about Farmers, visit our Web site at

  Contact:  Jerry Davies

First Call Analyst:
FCMN Contact:

PRN Photo Desk,

SOURCE: Farmers Group, Inc.



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